From the creator of Robot Factory which "distilled the crises of modern society into an impressively concise format" and the "very sweet and sentimental" Loch Crystallo, (Quotes are taken from Newgrounds reviews) comes a game which is just wall-to-wall dick and fart jokes.

It's Saturday afternoon which can only mean one thing. Its time to go and meet your mates at the pub!

Unfortunately a number of buses have broken down, and since the bus service was recently sold to a private company who refuse to invest in new vehicles, its looking increasingly likely that we're going to have to walk it into town...

Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars
(2 total ratings)
AuthorChris Gray
Made withGameMaker
Tagsbritish, Comedy, crude, dick-jokes, england, mario, Parody, Pixel Art, satire, yorkshire
Average sessionA few seconds

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It's short, but worth playing. Very good platformer.